Five Finance Things N° 1
Handelsbanken; Cross-subsidy; Regulatory capture; The origins of Venmo; Goldman Sachs.
I'm an organization designer at Black Glass. I was a Co-Founder of August, and the Managing Partner of Undercurrent.
Handelsbanken; Cross-subsidy; Regulatory capture; The origins of Venmo; Goldman Sachs.
Expensive communications loops; Edgerati; Leaders are awesome; The purpose of Gawker; Apple's operational effectiveness.
Purposeful autonomy has been, and always will be, the main goal of organizing.
Whether or not AI eats your job has to do with three bottlenecks: Perception & Manipulation; Creative Intelligence; Social Intelligence.
When every business becomes a consumer, and every consumer becomes a business, we’ll be forced to confront the fact that 50% of our waking hours just don't make sense anymore.
Four things to reconsider about Holacracy: confusing word choices, a legalistic constitution; heavy dogma; a closed-source codebase.
Laws for spacecraft design; Competing with Excel; The original iPhone prototype; Build boring features; Your app is making me fat; Rants on the future of interaction design; Why publishers hate iOS7; Big things start as toys
Four key things to keep from years practicing Holacracy: Rule of Law; Continuous Participatory Reorganization; Structured Decisions; Defined Output Formats.
Most employees give themselves over to a set of rules that govern their day-to-day corporate existence. How good are those rules?
Nine barriers to change; Nudges; Scalable learning; Learning at scale; McDonald's & Walmart are software.