The Changemaker's Skills Maturity Matrix

As we've been growing the team at Black Glass (we're still/always looking for great people to join us!), I started to feel the need to create a branch of the original SMM that focused on our work.


  • Think through what's required of people who aim to make change within a business. Changemakers are sometimes consultants. Sometimes they're internal folks. Sometimes they're people with Org/Industrial Psych degrees. Sometimes (way more often than some would expect) they're Information Architects who became UX people who became Service Design people who, as they stared deeper into the abyss, decided to do something about it. How do we do it? How do we get better at it?
  • Think about what I personally need to work on next.
  • Help me be a better partner to my colleagues as they develop.
  • Help people who want to get into this field find their way in from the adjacencies. A ton of the skills on the original SMM are applicable here. True heads will recognize Research and Counsel are lightly edited or directly lifted, respectively, from the original. Presentation has shifted here to Facilitation. Making (old) and Content (new) are pretty similar – with the adjustment mostly focusing on the spreadability and usage of the stuff you make, rather than just being able to move pixels tastefully (and fast). I have a little bit of a dream of making a bunch of these SMMs and hosting them in a single place for all of us to see where our skills overlap and where they don't, but that's a separate post.
  • Make some shareable content so more people know who I am, because I'm writing a book. There, I said it! Hopefully out next year on Matt Holt Books/Benbella.

Anyway, here it is, with colors from Flexoki: